Birding Opportunities
Fantastic opportunities for young birders to learn from experts, peers, be a part of the very supportive birding community, and importantly have fun!
Frontiers in Ornithology - A symposium about the various careers in ornithology
ABA Young Birder of the Year - ABA's awesome mentorship program and contest encompassing a variety of activities like community projects, field notebook, photography, art and writing with helpful mentors to guide you along the way
ABA Birding Camps - Organized birding trips by the ABA for young birders to explore
Audubon Camps - Many organized camps around the United States
NJ Audubon World Series of Birding - A New Jersey competition to count as many birds as possible in a day in Read: WSB Champion and Mentor BQ
Cornell Lab Young Birders Event - A 4-day event bringing together teenagers in high school around the globe with a passion for birds and interests in pursuing a career related to birds
Hog Island Audubon Camp - Coastal Maine bird studies for teens
Camp TALON (Teen Adventures Learning Ornithology & Nature) - A 6-day camp run by the Georgia Department of Natural resources
Rio Diablo Birding Camp - A birding camp based in southwest Texas
Young Birders Network - "Connecting young birders from around the world to share their love of birds and birding" created by the Black Swamp Bird Observatory
Mass Audubon Superbowl of Birding – Annual competition in January in the area of NE MA and SE NH)